Students discover Exoplanets, Star Systems and more

A class of 21 enthusiastic secondary school students in our August summer program participated in an immersive astronomy-related educational program titled “Exoplanets, Star Systems & Extraterrestrials.”

The recent wave of public interest and excitement generated by a number of groundbreaking Space Telescopes, including the James Webb (JWST), served as one important motivation for rolling out this program.

Organised by Laurus Science Advisor, Paul E. Cizdziel, Ph.D., some of the program’s highlights included an innovative ET-life brainstorming project as well as two enriching class excursions.

The group had the unique opportunity to visit Astroscale Holdings, a Tokyo-based satellite company focused on important Space sustainability initiatives, as well as the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, where they gained valuable insights into the historical perspective of Japan's substantial contributions to astronomical research over the years.

Space Science represents a thrilling and viable career path for young Laurus students and we are committed to continue providing education and expanding awareness in this dynamic high-tech industry.


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