Preschool School Life

Science for the little ones

Science does not mean difficult chemical formulas or laws. Children are born explorers. They seek to learn about the world around them with wonder and curiosity.

The Laurus preschool curriculum is based on the child’s natural desire to question, and we guide them to age appropriate scientific thinking - through observation, plenty of hands-on experiences across many subjects, and a lot of fun!

A Nurturing Environment

Preschool makes up the formative years of social, emotional and intellectual development. Children make significant strides in self-expression through language, socialisation through play and physical control and coordination.

Our educators pay attention to needs of children at the cusp of these developmental milestones, instilling a sense of security that they are being understood, heard and respected: these positive experiences are the beginnings of developing a strong inner compass and stable relationships.

Set up for Success

The physical and emotional wellbeing of children are our priority and our classrooms are designed with this in mind.

Each class has one native English speaking homeroom teacher, up to three nursery staff as well as full-time instructors for Music, Eurhythmic, STEM, Physical Education, and Karate. Our dedicated curriculum coordinators, nursery advisors and headquarter staff collaborate with all classrooms to ensure quality and consistency.

Features of Laurus Preschool

Our approach to early learning taps into children’s natural interests and joys as a foundation to developing competence.


Through science, we cultivate a culture of curiosity, experimentation and the beginnings of independent thinking.


Our focus on phonics enables children to pronounce English with ease and improve listening and communication .


Through music classes, little ones can improve concentration, gain motor skills and develop a sense of rhythm.

Rhythmic / Body

Our all-English environment enables children to take up language organically and learn about English-speaking cultures.


Laurus Preschool is built on a foundation of safety and care. Through this, children also learn to respect themselves and others.

Social/ Emotional

A Day at Laurus Preschool

Arrival; Music & Movement

Students put their belongings away and prepare for the day ahead. We start with morning songs and discuss the daily agenda.


A Day at Laurus Preschool

Circle Time

Students and teachers then sit together in a welcoming circle to practice daily English.

Circle time at Laurus Preschool


Snack & Story Time

Time to relax, have a snack and read a story.


Language Arts

Getting immersed in English through games, song singing and exploring the classroom.

Circle time at Laurus Preschool


Discovery Time

What will we discover today at our nearby nature park?


Lunch Time

Learning manners, nutrition and hygiene are all a part of lunch time.



Afternoon Lesson

Math, Science & Life Skills are taught on rotation each week.

Extended Program


Nap Time

Snack Time

A small snack and social time upon waking.


Learning Centers; Music & Movement

Children enjoy music & games that inspire creativity and thought.



Home time for the Little ones!


“As a working mother, I feel reassured knowing my children are learning in a nurturing and safe environment.

- Laurus Parent

“I was worried that my child would have difficulty adjusting. Thankfully the native English teachers and the bilingual nursery staff helped my child adapt quickly.

- Laurus Parent

Related Activities

Afterschool Programs

Young ones can explore a wide range of activities and discover what ignites their passion and interests.

Seasonal Programs

We hold seasonal programs every Winter, Spring and Summer. Winter Camp 2024 runs from December 16 - 20, sign up now.

Saturday School

An opportunity for students to improve English literacy through various subject matter including the sciences.

Early Reading Project

These online tools are designed to be used alongside our Read Aloud books (Levels 1-3) as part of the Laurus Early Reading Project.

Next Steps